Sometimes Words Are Never Enough

Sometimes I am not sure what to say…..

And this is one of those times. I am shocked and sadden by the news of two school boys in Brisbane whose lives will never be the same again.

One was killed. RIP Elliot Fletcher, your life was way too short. Hope you are sleeping with the Angels little man.

The other will never be the same boy who woke up and went to school that morning armed with a knife.

As a Mother to five boys, I am stunned. I am shocked. I am so very sad. I still can not understand what either boy has been through. What the boy that is accused is going through.

Both families will never be the same. One has lost their only son. The other family has lost the boy they thought they knew, and have to come to terms with what he did. The boy that took another life has to come to terms with what he did.

WHAT has our world come to? What has AUSTRALIA come to?

Is it too much Video games? Is it too much T.V.? Is it too much violent DVD/Videos? Are our children too used to seeing and being a part of a Violent world?

We do not have a T.V. – nor playstation – nor a DS – nor a Wii, no DVD’s, No computer games……is this going to benefit our children in the long run? Not sure but whatever is affecting our kids that badly that they act out with so much violence that it kills then we all need to have a big deep think about what we are doing in our society to have an understanding on how to prevent this tragic event again.

May Elliot Fletcher know how much he is loved and missed. May his parents know how much we are all thinking about them…..

I have had extra words with my boys about how it happened at school. How to feel safe, How to keep safe. What to do if they do not feel safe, where to go to get away from the feeling of danger…..Is it enough to keep my boys alive? I send them to school with the idea that they are in the best place to learn. My oldest two Woody boys go to a private high school which is Catholic….Are they going to be in the place where this will not happen? Not sure, but I have not had to think this way before.

This senseless death has affected not one family, not two families, but all families across Australia……

Please – Be on the look out so that all children stay safe. If you are a child that is being bullied (and I am in no way saying this is what it was all about) then stand up and tell someone until they listen. Tell your teacher. Tell your Mum/Dad, Tell your family, tell your best friend. If you are a witness to bullying then stop it by telling. Make sure all of our kids are safe because they are too precious to all of those that love them.


My thoughts go out to both families. So very tragic. So very senseless…..How can I explain this effectively to my Five Woody Boys when I am trying to understand how this can happen?

PLEASE Love our children more each day so that they can grow old, can have their bright future, be the best they can be and have their own families……

So very Sorry Elliot Fletcher that you were let down….

Please send love and thoughts to both families….because really they both lost Sons that fateful day.

Lisa Wood.

One Response

  1. This is what I wanted! I was searching on Google since 1 hour and was really depressed as I got nothing but this post really made me happy. I just bookmarked your blog as I will not like to waste my time again on Google.

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