Whats Happening?

Whats Happening with our Woody Boys?

Well….its school Christmas Holidays and I am having fun trying to stay really sane with all of them fighting. Its not just one fight…..it can be any five different fights at the one time 🙂


I was looking forward to spending time (quality time) with them all but as yet we are having fun trying to settle in to having them all home.

This happens every holidays. Its like that they need about a week to take time getting used to each other, testing the boundaries….pushing the limits. Teasing, chasing, and even hitting each other.  Really nasty behaviour until I hit the limit, and they can tell when I have had enough 🙂 They soon realise how much I can only take.

Looking Forward to Next Week

By next week it will be plan sailing. Until then I am taking very big deep breathes, lots of baths, reading books to escape the madness!!!

Wishing all mothers out there a safe happy Christmas break. Please send me a little pray and thought my way until the Woody boys are getting along again.

Gosh We really need to find a better way to co-exist in this house 🙂


Lisa Wood.